I build projects to showcase what I learned
Talaria Order Management System
Talaria Order Management system is a full-stack web application that helps increase Talaria Order Management Team's productivity by providing features such as inventory management, customer relationship management, etc.
Next.js - MongoDB - Express.js - React Query - Chakra-UI - AWS EC2 / AWS S3 Bucket
Green Bay Phu Quoc Landing Page
Green Bay Phu Quoc Resort & Spa is a unique resort offering not only a vacation but an experience of Phu Quoc culture and unspoiled nature.
Gatsby.js - Chakra-UI - Swiper.js - Figma for mockup - Netlify hosting
Browse your favorite Movies, TV shows, and actors. Search for specific movies, shows by names. Browse the latest and greatest films and to find information about its actors, crew, and reviews.
React.js - Redux - React Router DOM - TMDB Api - Sass
Yelp Camp
Welcome to YelpCamp, a website that lists popular camping site for you to discover. It also allows you to rate and comment on a particular camp site!
React.js - Redux - React Router DOM - Sass - Node.js - Express.js - MongoDB
Talaria landing page
The landing page that I built for the business called Talaria Order that I co-founded with two of my friends. It is a business that offer international shopping to Vietnamese people.
Sass - Gatsby.js - Facebook Messenger - Netlify hosting
BeYouTiful Landing Page
Be-YOU-tiful is a nail salon start-up located in Canada. The client unfortunately decided not to move forward with the business but it helped me tremendously in practicing my web design skill!
Gatsby.js - Sass - Netlify form
Redwoods Capital Landing Page
Redwoods Capital is a private real estate investment firm focused on rental housing sector. The firm specializes in the acquisition and asset management of Multi-family throughout the US.
HTML5 - CSS3 - Webpack - MicroModal library - Smooth Scroll library - Swiper library